Thursday 20th May 2021

I ventured along Strathconon into the remote Highlands as far as (in theory) is possible by road.

Two hydro-electric power stations on the river.  There were numerous strange signs and warnings.

Talk about warning of the obvious!

This strange-looking object in the river was rotating like a cement mixer. I have no idea what it is.  
A generator perhaps?
Edit several days later.  It is apparently a trap (thanks George for finding out) to count Smolt, young Salmon on their way down river.  Well, you live and learn.

As I got deeper into the heart of the NW Highlands, the scenery became wilder.
But just after some road works - laying fibre optic cables would you believe - this end of speed limit.

I pressed on but the road became worse and worse.

I wasn't that brave - or foolish - so turned round.  Quite a problem on the very narrow road.

Thee were several of these footbridges.  They remained untested.

I made a minor diversion on the way home (in the pouring rain) to check on the rare Slavonian Grebes.

On this date, 20th May 1965, I flew my gliding gold distance. 
No great feat these days but it was 56 years ago - especially in an Olympia.



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